
Supervision has enriched my own professional practice for the benefit of people I have worked with.A space for thinking and reflection is invaluable for being available and present in the therapeutic process.
Supervision in Psychotherapy | London Art Psychotherapy

I am a BAAT approved Supervisor and experienced in providing clinical Supervision for professionals, working in Mental Health, Addiction services and practitioners working in other Social Care areas. I have over many years also supervised Art therapy students and counselling students. A training in Supervision skills at the BPF (British Psychotherapy Foundation) has added to my supervisory practice.

Supervision is ultimately for the benefit and understanding of the client; however, it is also about building the confidence of the practitioner and the development of professional competence. Reflecting on Transference and Countertransference and thinking of organisational issues are an important part of the process.

The artwork (for Art therapists) of the client or/and the practitioner would offer insights into unconscious processes and transference phenomena. Again reflecting on that can offer new material for exploration with the client and understanding of the therapeutic process.

Help with Addiction and Codependency | London Art Psychotherapy